2.8 Lock Down

Policy statement

A ‘Lockdown’ may take place where there is a perceived risk of threat to the Pre-School, its staff, children, visitors or property.

Where possible, the Pre-School will act to ensure the safety of all personnel in the setting in the following situations:

  • In the event that unauthorised person(s) considered dangerous, are on the school grounds.
  • In instances including domestic breakdowns where estranged parties are attempting to abduct children.
  • In instances where personnel, students, volunteers or staff from within the setting become a threat to the well-being of others.
  • In emergency situations within the environs of the school where there is potential risk from spills or poisonous fumes.

Lockdown procedures will be practised from time to time so that staff and children are familiar with them.

Step 1. Go in (Run)

Step 2. Stay in (Hide)

Step 3. Tune in (Tell)


Follow the CLOSE procedure

Close all windows and doors

Lock up

Out of sight and minimise movement

Stay silent and avoid drawing any attention

Endure. Be aware that you may be in Lockdown for some time.

LOCKDOWN – Roles and Responsibilities.

Beforehand: Manager 

  1. Ensure there is clear unambiguous signal which will alert all staff to a Lockdown, while at the same time not necessarily agitating the trespasser, if that is the nature of the alert.
  2. Ensure that the lockdown procedures are posted on our website and in the policy folder.
  3. Allocate key roles and ensure deputies for those staff in cases of absence. Ensure the lockdown procedure is rehearsed at a frequency that reflects local risk assessment, but at minimum twice per year.
  4. Update staff with information on emergency services exercises, disputes with parents/carers, custody cases, banning cases etc. on a regular basis.
  5. Inform appropriate interested parties and parents / carers of the procedures they should follow in the event of a lockdown e.g. If there is an incident, possibly a large fire in a nearby factory, do not come to the establishment for your children as you may be putting yourself at risk. We will keep all our doors firmly shut. We will keep your children safe. Do not ‘phone the Pre-School as we will be using the telephone for communicating with the authorities. Listen to the local radio for further information’.

On hearing the lockdown signal: the bells and BSL sign.

Staff outside the room without panic but with due urgency

  1. Usher all inside to go in to room, unless unsafe to do so when an alternative should be communicated.
  2. Check that there is no one who missed the signal as they are in ‘hidden’ areas etc.
  3. Close and lock doors (keys to be kept on the hook by kitchen door), windows and other potential access points.
  4. Management to alert staff in toilets.

Staff inside the building:

  1. Remain calm.
  2. Remain by external doors until they are locked and supervised (keys to be kept on hook by kitchen door).
  3. Take on allocated duties.
  4. Lock external room doors, close windows.
  5. Move away from windows if appropriate and pull curtains.
  6. Conduct a roll call.
  7. Embark on normal activity (Partial Lockdown).
  8. Await further instructions or confirmation at the incident has concluded.

Manager (or person temporarily in charge):

  1. Open lockdown box.
  2. Take command and control and ascertain cause of alert.
  3. Ensure Emergency Services and if appropriate, security services are contacted.
  4. Ensure door security.
  5. Go to main entrance and lock doors.
  6. Ensure all communication devices are activated. All phones on silent.
  7. Ensure that procedures have been activated and completed.
  8. Recheck headcount and situation reports.
  9. Ensure occupants are removed away from potential hazards e.g. from the side of the building facing fire or potential explosion and in storms away from windows.
  10. Inform the LSCB Emergencies Officer.

During Lockdown:

  1. Agree activation of an appropriate response to anxious telephone calls with responding staff to include:

‘Please do not come to the site, you may put yourself and those here at risk. We will keep all our doors, windows etc. firmly shut and occupants’ safe. If you insist on coming to the site, we will not let you in.’

NB: It will be necessary to have a contingency plan for those who ignore and challenge these instructions. The safety of yourself and the majority must be your prime concern. However, you may have to ‘release’ individuals in a manner that does not let potentially contaminated people or contamination in e.g. quickly allowing exit through controlled twin set of downwind doors. 

  1. Liaise with SSP Swindon Safeguarding Partnership or other authorises.
  2. A clear signal to alert staff that the Lockdown has ended. Ensure no one moves until signal has been given.

After Lockdown: Manager (or temporarily in charge)

  1. Liaise with SSP or other authorities regarding any necessary on-going support or actions.


  1. Review lessons learnt from Incident with appropriate parties.

This policy runs in conjunction with the following policies:

  • Maintaining Children’s safety and security on the premises.
  • Fire safety and emergency evacuation.